Live Stronger; Live Longer
Increase your HealthSpan
How does it work
A group or 1 to 1 based program running over 12 weeks with follow up to 26 weeks
- Your Baseline established by questionnaire and assessment of biological age [GlycanAge] (*incures an additional cost)
- Weekly online session [60 minutes] detailing a specific topic and Q&A
- Weekly additional video and written materials.
- Stepwise change program using evidence-based targets and interventions: the steps are incremental, and each is readily achievable.
- You have support to achieve the changes and overcome any obstacles via the online forum day by day and in the weekly meetings. [121 clients have daily email/ text access]
- Individualised progress tracking
- You have an individual personal health plan created for you to minimise your risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolic disorder [eg diabetes] osteoporotic fracture and dementia, and to optimise treatment of any existing condition
. - The option of repeating the Glycan Age test to establish the results of your efforts (*incures an additional cost)